One of the central questions of running an established business, in any sector is the ever present balance between staying the same, and adapting and progressing, and the nature, the pace and practice of handling that. But what risks do we take by inaction, not moving fast enough, or moving to fast? Of course there […]
Author: Carl
The latest report from Dagens Nyheter, one of Swedens leading news institution, is that they now have 120.000 digital subscribers. Beating the annual target with three weeks to go for the year. A huge congratulation for a job well done is in order! Congratulations Peter and Dagens Nyheter! This summer i touched upon this subject, […]
The role of brands in a digital world
Everything about conducting a business changes in the face of digital transformation. Brands, and the role they play is no exception. Brands are based on a history, a soul and a set of values that is important to it, but they are also shaped on a daily basis by all the things that is going […]
Idén med perspektivet marknadsstörare som lanserats av Mediepodden är intressant, och begreppet känns i brist på ett bättre ord… användbart. Det ramar in hur utveckling, oavsett om det är i mediebranschen eller i andra sammanhang sker, nämligen genom att någon gör något annorlunda och stör rådande ordning. I det perspektivet är EFN definitivt en marknadsstörare […]
As Cornucopia reported in a recent blog post, the media crisis is playing out in the mainstream media, in front of our very eyes on a daily basis. If there only where a way to put that behind a paywall… Perhaps, this is not exactly the freshest topic to ponder; it has been on every […]
EFN TV has for second year in a row been awarded with Hallvarsson & Halvarsson’s price for the best Radio & TV media in Sweden, in competition with Swedish public service Radio (SR), and TV (SVT) as well as TV4 – and Dagens Industri’s TV-channel, DiTV, who came in fourth. One could quite frankly argue […]
Why I quit social media – for now
Lately I have been thinking more deeply about my life and its content. I guess we all have these moments, when perspectives change and things that have seemed less important, suddenly becomes your focus. Eventually you find yourself contemplating, if you haven’t already, what makes you happy and what really is important. As social media […]
What’s a poor human going to do?
I love to learn new things. And even more so, I do love when I see opportunities and possibilities to make something better or more efficient. In the beginning of May I had the fortunate pleasure of doing just that. I was invited to participate in an event facilitated by a company called Liveperson, which […]
How do large corporations use bots?
That is the overarching theme for a conference I’m attending this week. More specifically, it is a small meeting where some of the pioneers show and demonstrate how they have implemented bots on a large scale for customer care and lead generation purposes. The meeting is hosted by LivePerson and is held at the Carnegie Mellon University, […]
Banking is a problem only partly solved
In the good old days you had to visit your bank, at least once a month by the time your bills were due. You collected your paper invoices and off you went. While there, maybe you put a couple of bucks into a savings account or a mutual fund because the nice lady behind the […]